The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Long Form Birth Certificate?

I wanted to be topical so I thought I'd choose birth certificates to talk about.  Obama released his long form birth certificate yesterday, which to me begged the question, "long form?"  How many forms are there?  I just have the one and I don't remember ever seeing, knowing about or asking for a specific type of birth certificate. 

I think back to all of my moves through college (I think I moved to four different places in one year) and after college and this is one of the few possessions that actually has been with me that whole time.  It gets taken out of its hiding place every 5 years or so for some weird record keeping reason.  Less so once I changed my last name and lost my original identity (something I refer to as the marriage identity crisis). It is funny to think that you can be standing somewhere (say the DMV) with 10 things with your name on it, you can clearly see if someone is a boy or girl (most of the time anyway) and they may still need this document to really believe you are somebody.  Just think when baby Hahm is born he/she will get the only document that really states that he/she exists through time, yet that is something that isn't on my checklist of items to get from the hospital/government entity ;).  I'll be sure to ask for the short, medium and long form versions just in case he/she runs for president.   Oh and by the way... do you know where your birth certificate is right now?

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