The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Driving Dilemma

I headed out to grab a Starbucks today and I brought the dogs like I usually do if I am just running through a drive thru.  It gets the dogs out of the house and breaks up their routine so I always like to bring them along.  They are pros at going through drive thrus since I do tend to take them and with all of our moves it is something they just know.  They get treats from Starbucks on occasion, free ice cream at some fast food places, nuggets from Chick fil a - they really have fine tuned how to look cute and work it.  The only downfall is that Kona is a drooler and sometimes gets a little ahead of herself and drools before we even get to the window making her look a little gooey, but cute nonetheless.  Yes, it is true like a Pavlov dog experiment that the mere sight of a drive thru line causes drooling as a conditioned response in Kona because she has been through so many that have given her food.  If I can say anything positive about this apparently bad habit is that it is 95% sbux and not fast food :) so that must count for something. 

Well, today it really did hit me that this normal activity that we do is going to have to be changed since the baby will be in the backseat.  Kevin had brought this up the other day, but today I realized that I need to figure out a solution and practice here very soon.  We bring them to parks and all kinds of places so leaving them at home isn't an option, we just need room for a cross species 5.  My first 2 thoughts are either 1) they go in the very back, but there isn't an open window back there making a **ride** a lot less fun for a dog (I mean leaning out of a car window with the wind in your hair is something that has to be in a dog's list of favorite things to do in life) or 2) I sit in the back with baby and 1 dog and the other dog gets the front seat....   Well, we will just have to figure this out because I can't wait to go on walks and go to the park with all of us in tow.

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