The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

Epidural EECK

I received my daily pregnancy email from one of the various baby websites.  The theme of the email today was 'What you need to know about epidurals'.  I admittedly don't know much except for what people have told me about them.  Mostly, what I have heard is 'GET THE DRUGS' so I figure that is what I'll do since I am a super duper wimp.  Now, I am not excited about that gynormous needle sticking into my spine, but I figure the majority of the people I know can't be wrong, right?? RIGHT??

Well, as I started reading this article my concerns grew.  I had kind of wondered to myself before reading this article if the epidural slowed down labor - I sort of/kind of, have heard and read that over time.  I rationalized this and chalked this up to every one probably handles the medicine and labor differently and wasn't sure it was directly related to epidurals.  Well, it turns out it might be true.  This article had 3 advantages for using epidurals versus 13 disadvantages... I don't really like those odds.  Now, your first reaction might be that this article or website was skewed towards natural childbirth, but in fact it isn't. Sooo... now i guess I will just erase some of those disadvantages out of my head since I am pretty positive that I'd want the drugs.  I am going to try and be sensitive to the disadvantages though and go in smart and make wise decisions for baby Hahm :) 

Two things that stick out in my mind are that women with low blood pressure (women like me) should be concerned since it can lower your blood pressure even more; also, there is a possibility you may need a catheter which sounds pretty dreadful. Now, I know a lot of people don't understand why anyone wouldn't have a natural birth, but I believe it is always a personal choice and doesn't make anyone any less of a mom.  I guess I could be biased as I'd get the drugs hee hee... but there is one thing I know.... whether I feel all of the pain or not I love the kid the same (actually, maybe I'd love the kid more if I didn't have as much pain... hahaha j/k

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