The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cute, Ick, Ugg and YAY

Cute - First off is a little Mocha story.  I heard Mocha barking off and on in the back yard so I thought I would go check it out since he hardly ever barks.  At first I couldn't tell what was going on... there were three boys from across the street pointing and laughing at Mocha at our fence and Mocha was running up to the fence barking at them and then taking off running full speed to the other side of the yard and then back to bark at them.  I then noticed Mocha had their lacrosse ball in his mouth.  They hit it over the fence and Mocha thought it was the coolest thing ever and was having so much fun running around with it and teasing them.  The boys were like 'your dog is funny' and 'he can have it' and 'I think it is stuck in his mouth' hahaha.  It was pretty funny.  After asking Mocha to drop it a few times I eventually got it and gave the boys their ball back - lacrosse balls are heavy.

Ick - Tennessee has the most bugs of anywhere ever.  Today I found a icky gross red clover mite on my computer before typing this.  They are super small and when you squish them they leave a horrible red streak.  YUCKO

Ugg - Last night and today I feel pregnant.  Something I haven't really felt much of yet.  It feels like I swallowed a big rock for some reason.  Just an uncomfortable dense, full filling and stretching isn't helping.  I guess my abdomen is actually filling up with baby - hee hee

YAY - Got the rest of my genetic screening values back (the 2nd trimester Quad test) and everything came back normal.  I don't have the exact numbers and will have to call the doctor for those, but I'll take normal for now.  I guess most people don't want the #s or find them confusing so they don't usually give them out, but I'm a numbers gal and like the hard solid facts.  Numbers or not - YAY for *normal*! 

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