The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 11, 2011

I like it HOT - Ole'

It is possible that baby Hahm will come out breathing fire based on the amount of spicy food I continue to eat.  A few notables are hot and sour soup, spicy Thai and of course Mexican food.  Anyone who knows me knows I can basically eat Mexican food for all 3 meals a day for any length of time and wouldn't even notice.  To illustrate this - Has anyone ever asked you if you were deserted on an island what 3 things would you bring??  The one thing that always pops in my head is chips and salsa.  While this is not a smart idea for survival that is how addicted to this food I am.  I am talking about that restaurant style red salsa that is so yummy.  None of those wimpy salsa alternatives (I walk out of any restaurant that calls itself a Mexican restaurant and has some sort of fruit in the salsa (one exception is coupled with some fish dishes, but this strays from traditional Northern Mexican food).  Of course, and because of my addiction, I don't turn down any respectable salsa - a good tomatillo is right up there as one of my favorites. 

Now why I bring this up is because I keep waiting for the day that I will no longer be able to eat my favorite spicy foods and most importantly chips and salsa.  I read so many accounts of pregnant women having such horrible heartburn and bloating from anything spicy that they basically eat all things "Bland".  We are talking the old Furr's cafeteria "Bland".  Now, I know it is only the beginning of the second trimester, but I have a pretty good feeling that baby Hahm is going to share my affinity for spicy cuisine... Fabuloso!!

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