The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 1, 2011

3 things that might make you chuckle

1- I've read that playing baby sounds for the dogs can help get them accustomed to what will be their new environment.  Instead of buying the actual cd i just go to Amazon and play the free snipits (I like to be sensitive to the Hahm budget).  The worst scenario is that the dogs look scared and anxious at the sounds... I myself thought I'd get all kinds of cute tilted head looks as the dogs tried to curiously figure out what the heck those noises were.  Instead, Mocha didn't even look up and I'm pretty sure he fell asleep and Kona while slightly more interested raised her head, but then looked at me like I was crazy.  If they only knew what was coming.... (actually I've read dogs can smell and sense your pregnancy before you, but I guess we'll never know)  Test run #1 with baby sounds - Complete

2- My search for what I like to call 'fatty pant' buttons.  As I am well into week 13 some of my pants are quite snug, they are wearable, but can be uncomfortable.  I envision baby Hahm in there wondering why he/she is getting squished to death sooooo I went on a quest to find something I had seen on tv.  The commercial showed buttons that you put on your pants that give you an extra inch of waist.  I looked at Target, Walgreens and various other stores.... NO LUCK and there was NO WAY I was asking where they were from the young whipper snapper store clerks.  Can you just see me asking for something I only refer to as fatty pant buttons, I did not know the actual name.  After almost giving up I saw them advertised on a circular for Kmart.  I grabbed a very reluctant Kevin and dragged him to Kmart and we found them.  I must say they do work and now I have at least another month's worth of use out of my pants.  I know there are belly bands and stuff, but these seem to work better with my existing wardrobe Woo Hoo.

3- In an effort to be cheap (I know my thriftiness is not something new) I go to Bed Bath and Beyond (BBYB) to weigh myself on occasion to see how I am growing and to make sure I am keeping things in check.  I use the same sample scale each time I go.  Not a bad plan, right?? I didn't realize how silly and cheap this was until Kevin gave me a 'your crazy' laugh and look and stated for at least the third time that I can buy a scale.  I just hate the idea of wasting money on a scale so I may resist awhile longer..... and yep there is a planned trip to BBBY this weekend!!! :) 

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

I wish I would have known about your pants issue!! I survived my entire pregnancy with Kate in my normal jeans with the help from an elastic hair band!! You just loop it through and it will last forever! I am glad you found the button thing though...that probably looks nicer for now. You can also find super long tank tops at Kohls or Tilly's that will last your entire pregnancy as well. They are life savers and keep the belly hidden nicely so you can wear your normal shirts for a long time too :)