The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 23, 2011

Winnie the Pooh and Thurs Dr. Appt

First topic, the Dr. Appt. I had on Thurs. - it was with Dr. Osburn again and I indeed wimped out part way through the exam. :( I left defeated and feeling more nervous than ever for the upcoming delivery, the anxiety (and prob hormones) is making me slightly weepy. I am still not really showing any signs except getting more and more uncomfortable. My blood pressure, weight and babies heart rate were all good. My next appt is next Tues. - UG - I dread them now!

A much happier second topic is the package I received from my mom. When I was a little girl I LOVED LOVED LOVED Pooh Bear. I apparently carried my pooh bear around so much my mom had to always mend it and clean it for me. It got so bad at one point they tried to switch it out with a new pooh bear while I was sleeping, but I knew (at least my mom said I did, I don't remember, but I'm sure I did, kids know!) I remember both of these Pooh Bears. The first stuffed Pooh was more like cloth material and the second was more of a fluffy material.

Ok, back to the package - you can probably guess what it contained???? - a Baby Hahm size Pooh Bear. It is so cute and super soft. I can't wait to give it to him (if he ever comes out). She also bought a book, 'Winnie the Pooh - A Hundred-Acre Wood Treasury'. What is neat is both are woodsy themed, which goes along with our nursery. Granted I am not sure there are really yellow bears that eat honey in the woods ;) It was such a special memory from my childhood and it made my day to get such a thoughtful present. Thanks Mom!

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

Hang in there Stacey!!! You are SO close to the end! I cried A LOT the last few weeks so just know that its totally normal. And the tears keep coming after the birth too...just to prepare you :) And the exams....they are don't get down on yourself. Keep focusing on the drugs during labor; they make it all better and bearable!! He will be here soon and then life goes on and you have new, wonderful, exciting experiences to look forward to. Only a few more days!!!