The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 29, 2011

Weird Day

I had some errands to run and my experiences varied from fun to not so fun (bordering on disturbing) today. 

FUN - First off, I mailed my sister's bridal shower invites YAY.  Unfortunately, I can't attend, but it was fun to be part of the planning.  It will be an intimate celebration with her and her closest friends.  Mocha sat under the table the entire time I made these invites... I think he is excited too ;)

I went to a boutique maternity shop looking for a maid of honor dress.  This shop was quite cute and had lots of neat fun things.  For instance, I loved the t-shirts that said, "Does this baby make my butt look big" or "Waistlines are overrated"  Also, I think I may have found a very cute black dress that just might work for the wedding.

And to top off the fun - I did it - I bought my first pair of maternity pants at Macy's - a pair from Heidi Klum's line that were on clearance.  They are a super cute pair of tan skinny jeans. 

NOT AS FUN- At the same boutique maternity store there was some breast pump stuff with a few pictures that reminded me of a dairy farm and I just wasn't mentally ready to see the human/cow comparison pictures that were popping in my head...  I'll spare you the details of the picture on the box.... I will hint at one thing though there was a laptop in this particular product picture ... yep a lap top .... what? huh? why is that there? why do I need detailed goofy pictures on the box....

I went to David's bridal to look at some dresses and it was a mortifying experience.  I had a guy pick out a few dresses that work for maternity.  This is a place where you just take whatever size fits and they order you the proper color.  I should have known right there and then it was going to be bad since the dresses I was holding were a pale pale yellow a peach and some other color that I have blocked from my memory.  So, I try on the first dress, I can already tell that the dress might look pretty bad, but they had NO mirrors in the dressing room - NO MIRRORS.  I had to parade through what felt like a million people all hanging outside of the dressing rooms in a dress that fit poorly, looked horrible with my skin tone and just about cracked the mirror when I looked at myself.  Cutting my losses since that was the best dress of the bunch I ran out of there like there was a fire. (BTW, I had little black socks on... hahaha ... nice huh)

I'll take FUN over NOT SO FUN anyday... but I guess everything can't be FUN!

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

I can't wait to see the invites!! Also, great news about possibly finding a dress :) Such a relief! Less than 2 months till the big day....can't wait to see you and your baby bump :)