The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nesting or Routine Cleaning?

As I cleaned a few things today the thought popped in my head - am I nesting? But, I quickly thought 'no' since I do this same cleaning at least once or twice a week every week ...forever. Granted nothing is done quite as good as it was a few months ago. I tire quickly and can't quite reach things as well so it may not be my best effort. It is true a few things make my to-do list that are more detail oriented and someone from outside the house might think I'm being overly clean or nesty. The problem with that thought is that I happen to notice certain things while I'm just doing regular cleaning. This is actually something Kevin hates because sometimes my original to-do list gets longer once we start actually doing some of the to-do's. For instance, the dogs are shedding a little more than normal right now so I've been a little more neurotic about vacuuming the couch or the areas where their hair may gather, but I'd do that NOT pregnant too.

I have read that some women will be up in the middle of the night scrubbing baseboards and grout with toothbrushes. Or they wash and rewash all of the baby clothes and blankets. Or repack the hospital bag several times. They even organize their closet by the color of their clothes (I do that already so I can't count that). So I guess I haven't really nested - the age old natural instinct that humans and animals have has escaped me so far.... I'll let you know if over the next few days I have a burst of energy and Nest in the middle of the night.

Historical Note - There is a Listeria outbreak from cantaloupes. Listeria is especially bad for pregnant women so while I LOVE most fruits and vegetables this is a time I'm glad I hate and am slightly allergic to cantaloupe. Hopefully the death count of 18 doesn't get higher.

Side note - I changed how the comment box works. I still had people saying they couldn't leave a comment. Today Kevin and I figured out a way that might be easier... nothing like waiting until the last minute before birth to fix that - so if you are so inclined to leave a comment and it hasn't worked for you in the past maybe it will work for you now. Feel free to comment on Kevin's comment about the name blog from yesterday :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

7 days

Now that is a milestone for you - 7 days left until my due date. I had ran into Old Navy today and the cashier was like, 'when are you due' and I said, '7 days' and she said, 'Really and you are out shopping'.... I thought that was funny and valid. I do feel more comfortable running errands with Kevin around instead of by myself. I limit where I go so that I know that getting back to the car is quick and easy. I can't really explain why, it isn't because I think my water is going to break, etc. just feels more secure to have someone there in case I don't feel well or something.

Well, 7 days.... I wonder when it will happen this week, next week ... hopefully not the week after that...

Also, we haven't really solidified a name. Everyone wants to know what name we've picked, but we really haven't yet. I sort of feel like we haven't exhausted our options either and I wonder if we need to sit down and go from A-Z. I'm not sure Baby Hahm is going to like Baby Hahm as his name long term. Well, actually it would be Baby Philip Hahm since we are using Philip (Kevin's middle name and his dad's), but Kevin did just say that was up for discussion too if we wanted... oh man 7 days until the due date and we are that up in the air.....hhhmmm. Here are a few that have been thrown around :) ....Asher, Walton, Nathaniel, Samuel, Porter, Stanton, Thomas, Nicolas, Carter, Gerritt (and several of these were immediately taken off the table by myself or Kevin and weren't even ever considered)... This gives you a taste of our insanity . A friend of mine said I should just stick with the coffee theme... 'Mocha' and 'Kona' and 'Latte Hahm' or 'Macchiatto Hahm' maybe even 'Juan Valdez Hahm'....

I do think Kevin has a secret plan to wait until I'm totally exhausted after giving birth and he will fill out the paperwork and write whatever name he wants without me aware of what is actually happening.  (Nah, I don't really think he'd do that... or do I)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Low Key Days

Being super pregnant lends itself to a lot of downtime. I don't really feel like doing any thing in particular that isn't just stuff around the house. Pretty boring huh? In an effort to at least do something I have added a little task to my day. I grab a Starbucks and then drive around a bit to look for a lost dog. The weather has been nicer so the breeze coming in the open car windows is refreshing.

The lost dog, Skippy Lou, has been missing for weeks and has been spotted all around the area where I live. He has even been spotted at the Publix that is walking distance away from our house. The dog is a little skiddish so no one has been able to corral it apparently. The dog escaped from a dog sitter's house. This particular dog is getting a lot of attention because the dog was being dog sat because his owner is undergoing cancer treatment surgery. Can you imagine going through cancer treatment and then learning that your little buddy is missing. I figure this is a nice escape for me and I'd love to help find this dog.

On a different note: Not much to report from the appt today. Mine and Baby Hahm's stats are all still looking good. No real signs of labor yet. The head is still down and his butt is in the upper right quadrant of my belly. I do feel more sensations lower than I have before and there has been a lot of tightening of my belly (prob braxton hicks). I'm a lot more sore and stiff around my mid section so I'm thinking that tightening is actually something worthy of reporting. My next appt is next Tues.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Due Date Apparently Approaching

I'll admit I'm getting as scared of labor as I am of not showing any signs of labor. I'm a roller coaster of 'let's get it over with' and 'no I don't want it to start'. I find myself paralyzed with fear on several occasions during the day and then sometimes not. My upcoming reality is being thrown in my face everywhere. Where I least expect a reminder .. Poof .. another reminder. Here are some examples: My mom's milk expires on my due date. The 10 day weather forecast now includes my due date. My bagels expire after my due date. Advertisements for shows are after my due date. A recent package I ordered will be delivered a day before my due date. These are just a few of the things I notice, but it makes me VERY aware of where I am on the timeline.

I know women go through this all the time and nature does it's thing, but boy it is getting harder and harder to believe as I look down at my stomach. It just doesn't seem feasible something so big and lumpy can fit out of anywhere. As each day goes by the more and more I'm in denial - but then these daily reminders keep popping up (stupid eggs just reminded me too since I have plenty of time after my due date to cook them up) YIKES ... I need some doggie therapy now, I'm going to go bug sleeping, cuddly Mocha and Kona and make them love me :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sleepless nights? No problem

I read a lot of tid bits here and there that talk about how exhausted you are once the baby is around mainly because you can't sleep through the night. I somewhat chuckle at how much emphasis this gets everywhere. You are constantly reminded to take naps every chance you can once the baby arrives instead of mopping the floors or doing the laundry ... (which brings me to a whole other subject - how much are people mopping and doing laundry that it is on your mind every day whereby you can't squeeze in ONE nap - I get that it is harder with multiple kids, but still..)

While I know it is true that the days of 8 hours of continuous sleep are gone for awhile I just don't think it will be much different than the amount of sleep I currently get. It has been months since I've slept. In part because I am a stomach sleeper so the days of my preferred position are long gone so that is a hard transition in itself, couple that with an increasingly bigger belly and it is hard to find any comfortable position. When I do fall asleep it isn't usually for more than an hour or two and then I'm up for awhile before falling back to sleep. When they say the baby will give you blocks of 2-4 hours that seems like an improvement than what I get now. It is a rare occasion I get more than 5 hours of TOTAL sleep a night. If I'm lucky I'll feel like taking a nap so I'll get an extra hour during the day.

I got to be honest the whole sleep thing is one of the things I am not worried about... Oh and don't get me wrong, it isn't that I'm not tired, I am just used to it.... I cannot wait for a full night of sleep... a girl can dream ...someday ... someday

Friday, September 23, 2011

Winnie the Pooh and Thurs Dr. Appt

First topic, the Dr. Appt. I had on Thurs. - it was with Dr. Osburn again and I indeed wimped out part way through the exam. :( I left defeated and feeling more nervous than ever for the upcoming delivery, the anxiety (and prob hormones) is making me slightly weepy. I am still not really showing any signs except getting more and more uncomfortable. My blood pressure, weight and babies heart rate were all good. My next appt is next Tues. - UG - I dread them now!

A much happier second topic is the package I received from my mom. When I was a little girl I LOVED LOVED LOVED Pooh Bear. I apparently carried my pooh bear around so much my mom had to always mend it and clean it for me. It got so bad at one point they tried to switch it out with a new pooh bear while I was sleeping, but I knew (at least my mom said I did, I don't remember, but I'm sure I did, kids know!) I remember both of these Pooh Bears. The first stuffed Pooh was more like cloth material and the second was more of a fluffy material.

Ok, back to the package - you can probably guess what it contained???? - a Baby Hahm size Pooh Bear. It is so cute and super soft. I can't wait to give it to him (if he ever comes out). She also bought a book, 'Winnie the Pooh - A Hundred-Acre Wood Treasury'. What is neat is both are woodsy themed, which goes along with our nursery. Granted I am not sure there are really yellow bears that eat honey in the woods ;) It was such a special memory from my childhood and it made my day to get such a thoughtful present. Thanks Mom!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Moment of Reflection

As I get more and more uncomfortable I figured I'd take a moment to remember the few things that weren't so bad during the pregnancy. My complexion actually was clearer than normal so that was a good thing. I'm not sure if it was the good diet I tried to follow or the vitamins or just pregnancy hormones. I didn't have morning sickness or really any other digestive upset like heartburn (minus a few days). My nails were stronger than normal and actually looked alright for a change. My hair was balanced and never greasy or dry. I didn't have any food or smell aversions so that made it nice since I could really eat anything I wanted. I haven't had any hormonal unbalance so I'd say my moods have been pretty normal. I've been fortunate enough to have normal test results for the routine things they test every appt. Overall, not a lot of complications.

What I think I have enjoyed the most though is that I think I actually had a cute pregnancy, which made me a whole lot less self conscious the whole time. Honestly, I wasn't sure what my 37 year old body would do with all of these bodily changes. (I say all of these things while knocking on wood) I have been fortunate to not get very much swelling the whole time (granted these last 2 weeks I may get a little). I feel like I have pretty much only gained weight in my belly, I swear it looks just like a basketball under my shirt. My belly and Baby Hahm have always measured fine even though I haven't quite gained the 25-35 recommended pounds so I haven't been worried about it just being ALL belly. You know your friends are always going to say you look nice regardless if you do or not, but when I had a few separate strangers recently say that I was such a cute pregnant person it made me feel good.  I think after feeling miserable and uncomfortable and being towards the end of the pregnancy this at least made me feel good for a moment, a special pregnancy memory.

Anyway, I know I complain a lot about the right side pain (which I'll be VERY happy to be rid of), but there are things I'm very thankful for during this whole process. I don't want to forget the easier parts either :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baby Stacy Davis - Stacy's birth day as told by her mom

Born at Kingman Regional Medical Center ~ Kingman Az on November 28th 1973(Not born on Thanksgiving, but birthday falls on Thanksgiving every so often)
Born around 3:30 in the afternoon - Weighing in at 9 lbs and several oz - Length I'm not sure of but I believe you were around 19" long
OB Dr ~ Dr Rosenblatt
Surgeon ~ Dr Standerfer

On the night of the 27th I went to bed not feeling quite right. I wasn't having labor pains, just kind of like a 'something is about to happen' feeling. I told your dad I was going to get up and watch TV for a little while. After about an hour, I woke your dad and told him I feel like something is about to happen ( no labor pains yet however ). We decided to go to your grandma's because she lived close to the hospital. Your dad went back to sleep on the pull out couch in the living room ( he had to work the next day ) and I sat up in a chair not wanting to lay down as I felt time was getting closer. I sat there for a little while until I got up to go to the bathroom. When I got up, my water broke, your dad woke up, and we were on the way to the hospital. This was about midnight.

I was admitted to the hospital and put in a labor room. I started getting labor pains about that time. It seemed like I was in labor forever. I can remember looking at your dad sitting in a chair with his head leaning down on the bedrails. He looked exhausted! After being in labor many hours, with no birth, and family starting to get real concerned, they decided to call in another Dr. I don't remember who made that call, your dad or the OB. Once he arrived, he decided to send me down for x-rays. So I was put on a rolling bed, into the elevator, and x-rayed. I don't remember much about the x-rays because I was so out of it by that time. What I do remember is that when they brought me out of the labor room to take me down to be x-rayed, there seemed to be quite a crowd waiting outside the door. A lot of the Davis family, and my family. Once they took the x-rays, I went back up to the labor room and we waited for the results. The x-rays revealed I had a tilted pelvis, and I was going to have a C-section. I was scared to death because I didn't know what that was. It was not talked about much in those days. Family was upset with Dr Rosenblatt because they thought he should have known that from previous exams. Could have kept me from hours of labor.

I was taken back downstairs, and prepped for surgery. The next thing I knew, I was waking up with an IV and blood being put into me. You were rated ' 1 Apgar ' which is not good at all. If they hadn't called in Dr Standerfer when they did, you might not have been here. And because they were in such a hurry, they made a big long cut in me. Not a nice small one that they usually do. I was then put in a room and they brought you to me. I was still so out of it, that I didn't appreciate what I gave birth to until later that evening.

I remember having a lot of company that night. Everyone telling me how adorable you were and that you were worth all the pain I went through.

Several memories I have are:

- They gave me Cream of Wheat when I was in the hospital which I never had before. Still to this day, I love Cream of Wheat because it brings back pleasant memories, a comfort food so to speak
-Bobbi brought you a Santa Pants plush stocking that she thought you could wear. She was only about 11 yrs old then.
- Krona ( the Norwegian Elkhound g'ma, g'pa, and Bobbi had for many years ) passed away when I gave birth to you. In the back of my mind, I always wondered about that. Were you once a dog? Maybe that's why you like dogs so much... just a thought.
- I dressed you in the cutest little pink dress with matching shoes when you left the hospital. Your ride home was in our white Pinto.
**Oh, and check the closet in the room before you leave the hospital... I left my coat and your dad had to go back and get it! lol **
Here is a picture of me I think when I was about a month or two old... do you like the mohawk?? My mom said I was born with a full head of hair

Monday, September 19, 2011

Baby Kevin Hahm - Kevin's Birth day as told by his mom

I thought it would be great for Baby Hahm to know the stories of his own parents for his memory book.... so here is Kevin's birth day story (my story is tomorrow)

Kevin was born June 8, 1973 at 5:38 am. He weighed 7 lb 11 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was born at St. Luke’s Hospital in Milwaukee, WI. The physician was Dr. Korducki. 

I had a doctor’s appointment on June 7 and the doctor said that he wouldn’t be born for a few days. Ted was leaving in less than two weeks for his National Guard summer camp which lasts for two weeks. I was getting very anxious as I wanted Ted there when Kevin was born. Thankfully the doctor was wrong and I went into labor that same evening. Kevin was born early the next morning. I had an easy labor and was blessed with a beautiful son. I did spend the two weeks that Ted was gone at my parent’s home in Mayville, WI. 

This is the picture that was taken at the hospital right after he was born. (Stacy comment: Hahaha... I had to laugh a little at this pic, he looks a little grumpy (of course still cute) and not at all what I'd guess he'd look like, but he was barely hours old!!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fun, Great Conversation and Being Spoiled!

These 3 things only capture half of the evening I had on Friday night at Tin Angel. I'm so lucky to have a group of fun gals show up to my Baby Shower/Dinner for Baby Hahm. I haven't been in Nashville for all that long and these ladies really have made me feel at home. A super shout out to Meredith for putting it together and coordinating schedules ... and the tasty tasty cupcakes and for my ride there and many many other things she does for me :)

Sybil, Kerry, Meredith, Me, Lauren, Dinah and Anne Marie at Tin Angel

I'll admit I was worried about planning anything after 37 weeks since I never know if I am going to have a good day or bad day with my side pain, but luckily I had a GREAT day and dinner wasn't at all uncomfortable. I do have to sort of lean back in my chair to be comfy, which means any condensation on my drinking glass drips all over my belly. It is a funny thing, I just wipe off the drips. haha. I had the salmon (I guess I tend to order salmon when I go out for dinner since I don't make it at home very often - Kevin doesn't like it). It came with sweet potatoes, wilted arugula, rosemary roll and yummy side salad.

Several of us haven't seen each other in awhile so we spent a lot of time just trying to catch up and I'm pretty sure we barely touched the surface. More of these dinners are definitely needed. It is always hard talking to everyone at a big table so I know I have so much more I'd love to hear about. We barely scratched the surface of Anne Marie's trip to Europe, or Lauren's tennis adventures or exciting social stuff she does, or Dinah's horses, donkey's and summer family adventures, or Sybil's girls whom I can never hear enough about, Kerry's little Max and new house, or any of Meredith's new things she is doing with event planning or crafting, etc. I'm leaving out a million interesting things these girls have to talk about. Regardless, I was surrounded by some great conversation!! Meredith, Dinah and I talked for awhile out in the street even as we were trying to leave. It was great and I really really needed the girl time. There are times I feel homesick and miss my friends and family the most and these last few weeks of pregnancy has left me with lots of different emotions (scared, anxious, alone, nervous) and just having a night out really has given me a spirit lift that I badly needed.

Now I felt spoiled just having them show up for dinner with me, but they also came bearing WONDERFUL gifts for Baby Hahm. Everything from diapers to a white noise machine to super cute clothes, a diaper changing travel kit and so much more... take a look at these pictures.
Yummy Cupcakes that had baby rattles and ducks on them

How cute are these??  The blue striped one feels like a blanket it is sooo comfy and look how preppy that striped onesie is...

This book was from Dinah and it will be so special to read it to Baby Hahm, that bear hat is going to look so adorable in pictures and the dog towel speaks for itself...

Look how spoiled I am ... so many great things, plus a gift card to boot

Thanks again - great memories!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wimpiness Underestimated

Ok, well as most of you know I'm a self proclaimed SUPER WIMP. Part of the reason I haven't wanted to get pregnant is because I'm VERY VERY aware of my pain tolerance. What is weird is that my pain tolerance without intervention is a lot higher than when a doctor is actually causing the pain. I'm sure there is some long drawn out psychological name for this, but it is true in my case. When I know something is going to happen I tense up, get anxious, scared, etc making the whole process worse. It really is less about the pain and more about the time leading up to something.

I give you this background so that I can explain how my first pregnancy pelvic exam went in today's Dr. appt.... not so good! WOW that was not what I expected. Quite uncomfortable. I couldn't relax so the doctor didn't get a full read :( she said since I don't have any signs of labor thus far we'll try again next time. I mentioned that an epidural is in my future and she laughed and said that is a good idea. Of course I'm disappointed in myself for being such a stress case, but at least I can prepare for next time and I know exactly what to expect. People can tell you what to expect, but it makes all the difference to experience it for yourself since we are all so different. I haven't decided if having Kevin there made me more or less anxious. I might leave him out of the room next time to experiment.

Anyway, everything else looked fine at the appt. Dr. Osburn is pretty sure the head is down based on what she felt in the pelvic exam and where the heart beat was located. She also pointed out his butt is high on the right side. So that is good news. My weight, tummy measurement and heart rate (104/70) was all on track as well. :)

Side Note: I am looking forward to tonight as a few friends are going to be at Baby Shower/Dinner to celebrate Baby Hahm. We are eating at a restaurant called Tin Angel. It is a centralized location near my old company SCRI where several people still work. It has been awhile since I have seen some of them so I'm very excited just to chit chat. I was thinking about wearing a cute dress, but I'm starting to lean towards my most comfortable clothes instead... that is what happens at 37 weeks :)

I know it is a day late, but here is a picture of Mocha chewing his toy. He has pretty much had it in his mouth since we gave it to him - I guess he likes it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Babies 101 for Expectant Parents

Quick Note: My Dr.'s appt got cancelled today so I am rescheduled for tomorrow so no update today.

Kevin and I just got back from a seminar at our chosen pediatrician's office. We figured taking advantage of a free class called Babies 101 couldn't hurt as we are newbie's at this parenting thing. We will be going to Pediatric Associates of Franklin. It is a pretty big office with 7 doctors and we have heard a few great reviews from people we know, plus it is close by where we live.

There were 5 other 'parents to be' in attendance. Dr. Townsend was the speaker. It was a very casual type setting and the main purpose was to review some newborn topics to help the first weeks go smooth. Apparently, and it seems hard to believe, but first time parents can be quite nervous about things that are completely normal. Here are some things I thought were the most interesting that we learned. Kevin took the notes and I listened (how about I listened intently if it makes me sound more of a part of the Hahm team)

Poop - We are now experts (pooperts- haha get it?) on what the poop should look like and how it changes over the first few days and weeks. Kevin was most surprised by the roller coaster of a pooping schedule a baby undergoes. It starts out slow and can get up to 15 a day once they really are eating and getting good milk and then back down after a few weeks. It is a good thing there is an app for keeping track of these :)

Temperature - Rectal temps are the best and most accurate. A rectal temp reading can sometimes loosen a stool too...good tip.  Anything over 100.4 or lower than 97 will be emergency worthy.

Screening - I did not know that there are state laws that require a screening of like 65+ diseases. They will even send a cop to your house if the pediatrician can't locate you - it is that important to get a potential problem communicated. This screening was a GREAT surprise, I had no idea they did this right away.

A Cool Formula - this is just because I love when math is involved. But a formula that helps determine how many ounces your baby should be eating is their weight divided in half...

Flat Head - You are suppose to move the baby around the crib so that he doesn't get flat head. They will stare at things such as you or a mobile etc and if they are in the same angle each time they stare they will develop a flat head. It has become more of a problem now that babies sleep on their backs (like 18-20 hrs at first). This is just a 'good to know' I feel like I have a flat head spot... hhhhmmm I wonder if I stared off in to space at the same thing all of the time (mom?)

Vitamins - This was something I was going to research, but had answered tonight. When do you start giving a baby vitamins. Apparently right away and especially Vitamin D at a minimum.

I'll stop there, but we did learn some things as well as solidify some stuff we knew in this class. Most importantly, we left feeling pretty comfortable with this pediatrician's office. We got some good free stuff too... some formula and a small diaper bag with a removable insulated bottle holder that can keep a bottle chilled for 8 hrs. An American Academy of Pediatrics book about your baby's first year and lots of coupons.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to MOCHA.... 'Happy Birthday little Mochachino Bandito' He is 5 going on puppy :) I can't believe we've had him for a little over 4 years. He has gone from FL to DC to GA to TN with us. We celebrated by giving him a new toy and some can dog food for dinner. Love you lil buddy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Officially Full Term

It's official - I'm 37 weeks making me full term Woo Hoo. January when I was a measly few weeks seems like a lifetime ago. I guess I now have the go ahead to try and get this labor and delivery under way over the next few weeks. Although the thought of being in labor is quite daunting and scary. I do think labor is pretty much determined by nature and your body and Baby Hahm will decide when he wants to come. There are a few scientifically proven techniques that may aide in getting your body headed towards labor, but the majority of what people suggest are pretty much for fun and have little proof of actually working. I am only referencing the stuff you do at home to try and get yourself to the hospital not what actually happens once you are admitted to the hospital.

A couple of things that could be done over the next few weeks and have more of a chance to work and get this party started are the following:

1) Letting gravity do its job. I'll call this Newton's method. This means doing anything you can do that places your body in some sort of gravity favorable position. Walking, standing on your head (j/k), gravity positive yoga moves (cat/cow pose or child's pose, etc.), pelvic rocking also known as the windshield wiper, relaxing on an exercise ball, sleeping at more on an angle on your left side, etc... you get the point. Gravity is awesome and is your friend as you try to get a baby's heavy head to point south and towards the exit.

2) Natural hormonal or bodily stimulants. I won't go in to detail on these or how these become released as they are quite personal, but sometimes these natural processes can trigger the right cycle to begin.

a very iffy 3) Acupuncture or acupressure. While not proven to work unless your body is already starting to head in to labor there is some scientific merit to these techniques. Most of the success shown has been when people do multiple sessions of either and the body is already showing signs of early labor. Either way it probably feels good.

a very iffy 4) Primrose oil. May release something similar to a natural prostaglandin. The jury is still out on this one though too, but at least there is something similar to what works on your cervix naturally.

Now for the more rumored and hot topic ways to induce labor (of course this is not exhaustive, but here are few of the most mentioned):

1) Castor Oil - Yuck. It causes diarrhea and digestive upset, which some people think leads to starting labor due to the tightening of muscles etc.. I am thinking to myself why would I want to have contractions and diarrhea ..hahaha.

2) Spicy foods. I love spicy foods, if this were the case I'd be in labor my whole pregnancy!! The reason people think it works is similar to the Castor Oil reason, it gets your digestive system moving. There isn't any scientific correlation to the stomach and the utereus though to induce labor. But hey I'm up for eating more spicy food.

3) Raspberry tea and other teas... the raspberry tea has been used by native populations for a long time, but other than that it hasn't been shown to really affect labor.

4) Driving on a bumpy road. This feels like it may have a similar affect as bouncing on an exercise ball and maybe has some 'gravity' merit. Mostly, I think if you go into labor on a bouncy road it is probably just uncomfortable timing.

5) Eating pineapple. Pineapple does help release an enzyme that may work on your cervix. However, you'd have to eat a TON and i mean TON of it and it would have to be fresh for enough enzyme to even be generated. You'd probably have a billion mouth sores from all of the acid before this even started to work.

Well, that is just a few I thought I'd mention. Lots of people swear by these methods, but most doctors and scientists believe it is almost always coincidence. Hey more power to anyone though that it may have worked for - I guess you never know if it was good timing, luck or actual proof. Just because they haven't proved it yet doesn't it mean it doesn't work.  One thing that is mentioned is women back in the day would scrub their floors (on their hands and knees) and swear they would go in to labor. I do believe this one as they were basically using a yoga pose for at least an hour so maybe just maybe gravity worked its magic! I do get why women are willing to try anything that has even a hint of success. Why not, you don't have much to lose as long as you do everything safely. I mean you are uncomfortable, you can't sleep and you know that baby is just getting bigger and bigger in there and you would like to avoid medical intervention if at all possible to get things started. I'll let you know if anything works for me - whether it is coincidental or not! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some Photos - 36/37 weeks

Just a few photos that we took - the usual, plus a fun one or two

Kona and me (and Mocha waaaay in the background)

A cartooned me on our front porch

The usual belly with heart photo - I softened / faded it - I have no belly button :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Back

Baby Hahm decided to move again. Unfortunately, I'm having my right side pains again. I will treasure my 3 days I had that were right side pain free. I'll reminiscence about the good ol' days where I could do something without cringing. He isn't in the same position he was originally though either. This is a new 3rd position. It is so hard to figure out how he is all curled up inside of there. I do know that I'm more uncomfortable especially when I'm walking. This new position has made me slower, more hunched over and stiff. When me and Kevin were out this weekend he sometimes said, 'Why don't I quick go check and you stay here' ...haha. What is funny is normally I'm a fast walker. It drives me crazy to be so slow too. Anyway, I'm not sure what is up against my rib cage, but there is something new (let's hope it isn't a head). I have an appt Thurs so hopefully the doctor will be able to help me out. Everything I read and even the doctor mentioned at my last appt that I should feel so much less movement, but WOW he is just as active as ever. Kevin and I teased that Baby Hahm might be hyperactive once he pops out.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Haven't Forgotten

I can't believe it has been 10 years. 10 years sounds like forever, and it has been, but at the same time it doesn't really feel like forever. Do you know what I mean? I was reading facebook and some people I've worked with were still in high school when it happened. Crazy. No one will forget where they were that day when they heard the news.

I lived in Tempe, AZ and I was getting ready to head to work when I watched it all unfold. Mako was by side. I worked at America West Airlines at the time. Working in the airline industry on Sept 11th and the following months lended itself to its own version of those historical events. I headed to work soon after the horrific events because as you know the airlines were heavily involved and I was pretty sure they wanted all hands on deck. Planes were still being accounted for and grounded. Everyone was at work trying to do their best to help out in any way possible. I worked at the corporate headquarters and so tasks on my floor were things like press releases, airline partnerships, corporate clients, scheduling, communications, passenger manifests, etc. everyone was pitching using whatever skills they had to ease the chaos. At the same time everyone was trying to understand what was happening and trying to emotionally deal with what it all meant. Just a somber somber day.

For months (years really since profit margins are so slim in the airline industry) the airlines struggled to regain some sort of stability. The travel industry incurred lots of setbacks. Layoffs occurred and occurred again. Really great employees were let go and tough decisions were being made. I was all the way in AZ and it felt like a world away from the twin towers, the pentagon and PA, but lives were being effected everywhere.

Having said that, it pales in comparison to the way lives were changed in NY, DC and PA. What people went through and experienced is unimaginable. Those pictures and visual accounts will never escape our memory. The amount of gratitude you felt for the everyday heroes would be hard to match EVER, seriously EVER. I remember feeling so proud of what people really will do when given the opportunity. People reached in to their souls and pulled out great unselfishness during this tragedy. Human vulnerability was on display and everyone pitched in to heal.

Now, I'd be remiss (because it is just who I am) to not give credit to the 4 legged friends that also did their best. There were hundreds of search and rescue dogs and therapy dogs on scene. Most of these heroes have passed on now, but lots of great stories are retold of their bravery as well. Dogs are trained to find survivors and know and feel when they are failing - the dog handlers had to console these heroes too.

Let's not forget

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pregnant Diva

I am nearing the end of being pregnant and I don't think I've taken advantage of being a pregnant diva. What I mean by this is that I don't think I've taken advantage of too many situations where I could throw my pregnant weight around and demand to be taken care of first or better etc. I don't mean at home either (although maybe I should be more of a Diva there too). I do notice a few more people holding a door for me or letting me cross the street or parking lot, but there are a lot of people that will just rush rudely by you too.

I think the only time I have even spoke up was at Macaroni Grill last weekend (we had a buy one get one coupon). The host tried seating us at a table with all wooden chairs. I quickly said can we have a booth, I can't sit in a small wooden chair for very long. It was crowded and he said you might have to wait awhile and I could see that there happened to be one open and the waitress noticed and moved us there. :)

I haven't even glared at anyone who could see that I had one item to their 50 in line at the grocery store and they still didn't let me go first.

Owell, I guess I'm just not much of a diva. I still have some time so we'll see ;) I'm not even sure what I'd demand haha.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Glider, Rocker, Recliner oh my

When I envision a chair for a baby's room I picture a grandma who invites her grandchild on to her comfy lap and reads a book on a rocking chair. Do we need a rocking chair? This is one piece of furniture we have not bought yet in preparation for Baby Hahm's birth. Some moms swear by them and others say it was a waste of money. The mom's that swear by them say they used them constantly during the long nights and feeding sessions. Others have said they felt isolated sitting in the chair in the babies room and preferred to sit out in the living room or on their bed for feeding, etc. and ended up not using the chair almost at all. This has caused me hesitation as I try and pick one out, but I think I have decided to move forward and buy one. My hesitations revolve both around price range and style. I don't want to spend too much if I end up not using it much - on the flip side I don't want to buy a cheap one in case I do use it a lot and it isn't as comfortable.

There are two main styles I'm considering.

1) There is the classic wood frame glider that is seen in a lot of nurseries. You can get these in a variety of fabrics and they basically range from $150 - $750. The cheapest versions do not recline, but glide nicely. The upper range have a little bit more seat padding and recline. The pro of this style is that it really does glide silently and doesn't take up a lot of space in the room and seems to work great for a lot of moms. The con is that the wood frame is definitely taste specific. I am not sure how well these transition to another room once you don't really need them in the nursery. You could sell it once you are done, but this is where I debate myself on how much to spend. Obviously, I'd rather spend more on something I thought I'd have around for years.

2) There is the traditional rocker/recliner you can buy for your living room. You know like a Lazy Boy. These have a very different look than the wood frame glider as they are typically made of all fabric. You can get these in a variety of fabrics choices and they typically range from $250 - $1000. The pro of this style is that they are usually really comfortable, slightly wider and they transition a little easier to another room. The con is that they take up more floor space, they rock versus glide and are not quite as safety proof as the wood gliders developed specifically for nurseries.

I am leaning definitely towards the recline option regardless of style choice since falling asleep upstairs comfortably during long nights seems essential (our master bedroom is on the main floor). This decision puts both of my choices in to similar price ranges. What to do? What to do? We like both options, Kevin leans a little more towards the look of the traditional wood glider and I think I lean slightly towards more of the all over fabric look. Friday we are going to go relook at some choices and make a decision. I think in the end it will be what seems most comfortable for the best value. If any of you moms out there have any hints/tips I'd love to hear them!

Side Note Update 2: I still haven't had another right side pain... this has allowed me to be way more productive and energetic all day since I didn't have to lay on my left side constantly trying to avoid the stabbing pain. My back is now sore though something I haven't experienced :( not sure if it is from being more active or because of the new position of Baby Hahm. I still have no idea where his head is located.   Stay tuned...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mean or Funny?

I was thinking as I was out and about today and realized that today marks the last day I am actually going to be alone 'alone' for awhile. Kevin is in Baltimore for work. I am guessing this will be his last out of town trip since I am so close to my due date. This means that anytime after that I'll have Baby Hahm at home with me. Of course over time I'll have chances here and there where I'm alone, but really this could be my last independent hoorah for awhile. I guess that is what they mean when they say a baby changes your life.

Kevin has been a little nervous to leave town just because he'd be so stressed out if I went in to labor. He even did some strategies in his head for 'just in case' scenarios. He evaluated renting a car, but this is a 12 hour drive back so this wouldn't cut it. I told him that a 12 hour drive seems like forever and I hope I'm not in labor that long (I know wishful thinking) He figured his best bet was to get the first plane out. I even got a text from him once he checked in to his hotel that read, 'Keep Baby Hahm in You'. A friend of mine that lives nearby, Meredith, is my emergency contact while he is gone just in case something unexpected happens. As I write this blog I feel pretty comfortable that labor is no where near happening tonight. Having said that, I am not sure why I'd know that as I have never been in labor - let's go with I have a gut feeling.

So would it be MEAN or FUNNY if I sent Kevin a text saying 'Oh no I think I am having contractions'? Mean, right? haha. I couldn't do that to him. He said if I had Baby Hahm while he was away that I'd have to have another kid so that he could be there... uuummm me going through another 10 months of pregnancy to make him feel better probably wouldn't happen :) - did I say probably LOL I mean that isn't happening. Are you sure it wouldn't be funny to play that joke on him?? ok ok I won't.

Side Note Update: I mentioned yesterday that Baby Hahm has wiggled and jiggled himself in to some other position. I have tried to figure it out all day, but I just can't tell. I have been to all kinds of websites that tell you how to determine it, but nothing is seeming straightforward to me. This is what I do know: He has moved enough so that I haven't had a major right side pain all day. I am wondering if it is a fluke or if I am going to get a break from that crippling stabbing pain. However, I would be lying if I didn't say I am now a little nervous he has worked himself into a less favorable birthing position because he was head down. Also, nothing is for free right? While I haven't felt a right side stabbing pain I have had a new intense pressure along the lower part of my belly. This uncomfortable feeling is A LOT more tolerable than the right side pain though. I was thinking maybe I have 'dropped' as they say, but I don't think so. I feel all of the kicks and hiccups etc. in different locations so I think it is a real position move versus just a drop.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Under 30

I wish I was talking about my age. I wonder how different my pregnancy would be if I was under 30... owell we'll never know (plus I have had it pretty easy). What is under 30 is the # of days I have to go until my due date. I thought I'd know exactly when I hit the 30 day milestone, but I didn't notice until today that it says 29!! I mean I knew I was roughly 30 being that it is the start of Sept and I know I'm due the start of Oct... but yesterday passed me by. I think I was too excited about the weather - I AM STILL ENJOYING the wonderful breeze coming through the window.

Ok, back to the under 30. I felt a bit of panic today. There are still several things I need to do and I am just so much slower these days that what I want to do and what I can do aren't always in line. For instance, I have a suitcase in my closet and a few items in a bag next to it that I will bring to the hospital, but I surely don't have my bag packed and ready to go. There are definitely some essentials that still need to be purchased (more diapers maybe?), we are still missing a Glider type chair, I have a few projects for the nursery I haven't completed that I'd really like to before he comes (not that I have to, just want to), plus a printed birth plan, pre registration at the hospital not to mention all of the reading that I thought I'd have done and don't.... plus the other small things on the general house 'to-do' list that aren't really baby related.
Having said all of that... I guess I am not really panicking because I ended up being a couch potato all day :)
On to what I may be really panicking about - the pain of course! All of the uncomfortable weekly body checks coming up and then the ultimate marathon of pain and let's not forget the recovery. Not like you spit out the baby and your body is normal.... deep breath deep breath... Hi ho hi ho 29 days to go

Side Note: I am pretty sure Baby Hahm may have wiggled his way in to a new position. The usual kicks and hiccups seem to be in a different place today. I am just hoping he is going to cooperate and focus on getting back to the end zone.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Weather Bliss

I am so so so so so so happy today. I can't emphasize enough how happy. Beyond happy. Rain - Glorious Rain, it is finally raining after what has been months. We have been watering our grass and trees, but this extended HOT spell has taken its toll on our grass. It was just too hard to keep lush with the high 90s weather for so long w/o much shade. An added bonus of the rain, besides feeding our yard really well, is how wonderful it smells since it is a colder rain and just smells fresh. Oh and the colder rain has made me grin from ear to ear all day. I don't mind walking in it or getting wet since I haven't felt anything refreshing from nature in quite awhile. Right now the weather channel says it is 60 degrees. You do not know how happy I am. I have a few windows open just letting in this wonderful cooler air. I am actually not sweating for once - AAAAHHHHH sweet relief. Now this temperature won't last forever and it will be back in the 80s next week (still cooler), but I am grateful for every second right now.

Getting to open the windows today led to a side job for me and Kevin. I decided we should clean out all of the window sills and window panes. We at least did all of the downstairs ones (upstairs has now been added to the 'to do' list). That wasn't the only productive thing though today - we painted our water closet in our master bedroom. I know it seems like we are always painting. Although most people don't really see our water closet there were these awful stencils that didn't even have a real pattern on the walls that drove me crazy. These are now gone - FINALLY! While I helped sand off the stencil lines Kevin really has done most of the work. I can't thank him enough as I feel like I spend half my waking hours in the bathroom since Baby Hahm seems to like to poke his head in to my bladder about every 10 minutes ;)

I also got a great deal on a diaper bag today. I bought a charcoal and black Skip Hop studio style bag off of craigslist. It is in excellent shape and I paid only $20. It normally retails around 80-90 bucks, I always like a good deal.

Another good thing that happened this weekend was that we got our Skype account set-up and my mom and Kevin's parents are ready to go in our contact list. This will allow us to video chat with them from the hospital when Baby Hahm arrives using the iPad (assuming the hospital's wi-fi works well). Once I get my dad set-up we are good to go with the grandparents.

Kona and Mocha clearly showed you how to have a relaxing weekend so I hope everyone followed their lead.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day

This has a new meaning for me this year. When I hear of the word 'Labor' I cringe just a little in panic of what is coming up for me. I've 'labored' for challenging bosses, 70 hour work weeks, tight tight deadlines and presenting in front of tons of people and yet none of that laboring will be quite as hard as this I assume. I had never really thought about it, but the women that give birth on labor day must chuckle just a bit at the coincidence of the naming.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a nice, relaxing (albeit probably HOT) Labor day. I hope your weekend is as 'kick back' as my dogs. They have the life - check out this video of complete bliss. Can this be called the dog days of summer?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Random Thursday Thoughts

The day started out with me eating my usual bowl of cereal (you know to get those whole grains and fiber). As I was eating I noticed the dogs up to no good outside. I got to our back door and noticed Kona had a dead cardinal in her mouth - YUCK. It looked 'old' dead and not 'new' dead so I assume they found it in the yard and didn't actually catch it. I'm pretty sure Mocha didn't get his turn holding the dead bird - poor Mocha. Kona held the bird just like a good hunting dog would, she was barely holding it as not to crunch it, I'm sure she has no idea why she does that just instinct I guess. I didn't expect to be scooping up dead cardinal this morning though - GROSS.

I ventured out to run a few errands afterwards. While I was at the register I had one of my horrible side pains and let out a 'OUCH' and then slightly bent over. The cashier was like are you ok. I briefly mentioned how sometimes being pregnant is tiring. He said his wife gave birth in Sept and he remembers how hot she was the whole time. I left hunched over and basically calling it a day for errands. I did get to talk to my friend Kelly while I was out and about, which was a nice distraction.

A few hours passed (this mostly consisted of me laying on my left side to feel better, small chores and watching tv). Kevin got home and I stood outside watching (I mean cheering Kevin on as he took care of some doggie doodies) and within a minute I had 3 bug bites. I mean I usually get bit fast - always have - but my pregnant blood is like a beacon (not bacon haha) for bugs. Those little jerks, I'm so so itchy now.

One thing that happened today is that I actually feel hungry for dinner. I haven't really felt hungry in awhile. I don't necessarily feel like anything, but just feeling like food is a start. Although I primarily snacked today so that is probably more of the reason why...

I know not an exciting blog, but kind of a 'day in the life' of 35 week pregnant me.